InsurTech Hartford Business Plan Hackathon
Organized by
Goal of the hackathon
Help InsurTech startups and entrepreneurs generate and refine a business plan and identify steps to take their ideas to the next level.
Why a hackathon?
Hackathons are known for their ability to stimulate creative, free-flowing ideas. By working with others, people are able to connect and create in ways they would not do by themselves. Hackathons are known as marathon coding competitions aimed at solving particular issues. This hackathon will not involve coding. Regardless, we encourage coders and non-coders to attend.
Who can attend?
The event is open to anyone with interest in InsurTech. If you are in idea stage or revenue generating, the event is open to you. If you welcome even if do not have an InsurTech idea. People looking to participate in helping the InsurTech Hartford start-up community are welcome. To learn more about InsurTech, visit the InsurTech Hartford website.
This event is free, and we will be having pizza. That's right, put it all together and you get free pizza!
• Meet & greet
• Business plan elements
• Engage in ideation
• Create business plans
• Partner with mentors
• Learn more about InsurTech Hartford
• Learn more about Upward Hartford
Why are we meeting at Upward Hartford?
Upward Hartford is a 27,500-square-foot high-tech hub of innovation comprised of office and shared space for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and incubators. InsurTech Hartford has established a strategic alliance with Upward Hartford to help the community take advantage of the awesomeness Upward Hartford has to offer.
Where can I get more info?
Please direct any questions to
We also launched our website. Be sure to check it out:
You can also find:
@InsurTechHfd on Twitter:
on Facebook:
For more on Upward Hartford, please visit
We hope to see you there! BTW - FREE PIZZA
From 12th August 2017 - 10:00 AM
to 12th August 2017 - 02:00 PM
to 12th August 2017 - 02:00 PM