Intro to Artificial Intelligence Workshops with StudentsForAI, Imperial College London
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Calling all teens future changemakers!
Teens in AI is partnering with StudentsForAI to inspire teens ages 11-18 into AI and Machine Learning.
Choose ONE day and come learn about Artificial Intelligence from StudentsForAI, students from Imperial College London.
When: Choose the date
Where: Imperial College London
Who: Teens ages 11-18
Duration: 1.5 hrs
What you will learn:
What is AI?
How it is different from classical computing
How AI can be used to solve real problems
How to build a simple image classifier using transfer learning with neural networks
***Please note, the same content is taught during each day, so only choose ONE day
About Teens in AI:
Teens in AI is Acorn Aspirations’ special initiative launched at the UN AI for Good Global Summit to democratise AI and create pipelines for underrepresented talent, thereby improving diversity and inclusion in Artificial Intelligence. We offer young people aged 12-18 early exposure to AI for social good through a combination of expert mentoring, talks, workshops in AI/ML, human-centred design and ethics, hackathons, accelerators, company tours and networking opportunities.
About StudentsForAI:
Students for AI provides university students, from all fields of research, with skills and opportunities to combine their domain knowledge with machine learning and AI to get hands on with projects that have potential to be commercially successful, innovative and do social good.
From 19th February 2019 - 05:00 PM
to 19th February 2019 - 06:30 PM
to 19th February 2019 - 06:30 PM