IoT Auckland Meridian and Google Nest
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We are very privileged to have Meridian Energy demonstrating the Google Nest smart home products. We'll hear about the partnership between Meridian and Nest, and what this means for their customers.
By signing up with Meridian as a customer you will receive a free Nest smoke and carbon monoxide alarm. There are also more customer offers of Nest product discounts. Find out more here:
Also on tonight:+ IoT news+ Techweek Hackathon planning+ Quick Pitch - your chance to describe your project, capability, ask a question, announce an event, etc. One minute only!
*** Your ticket includes a snack meal ***
Other events for you:A one day IoT Workshop is taking place on March 12th, organised by Blender and John McDermott. This will be sharing knowledge about IoT opportunities, how to create applications and take them to market.Please read more here and share with your friends and colleagues:
From 7th March 2018 - 06:00 PM
to 7th March 2018 - 09:00 PM
to 7th March 2018 - 09:00 PM