IPDB Hackathon #1: Code for Purpose - Decentralize the Web
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⚡What is IPDB hackathon? ⚡
As a part of Revision Summit 2018, IPDB is hosting a one-day hackathon in collaboration with Jolocom, Riddle&Code, and Ocean Protocol. As many as 50 developers, UX/UI designers, hackers and makers from the Web3 will build an answer to the question: How do we reach a more human-centric and purpose-driven society in the digital age?
Our chief aim is to work together to turn talk into working code with a particular focus on:
promoting democratic values in the digital age by advocating for basic freedoms and rights, and lowering the barrier to entry for democratic participation on the internet;
expanding data protection by promoting data sovereignty for all citizens;
improving social safety by supporting initiatives that embrace resilient, decentralized social safety nets adapted to respond to the challenges of the future; and
sustainable economic growth that supports transition from profit-oriented economic systems to purpose-driven models.
Why participate?
IPDB Hackathon #1 features among the various meetups, workshops and other events taking place on 19 November for Revision’s Co-Creators day. Participation in the hackathon is not only FREE, but all hackathon participants will also receive free entry to the Revision conference at Kraftwerk the following day. Free food and drinks + additional giveaways will be provided.
At the end of the day, a grand prize winner will be selected by YOU! The coolest idea will be voted on by hackathon participants and the winning team will have the option to participate in one of our future DWeb meetups – either by presenting what they’re working on, or simply getting more familiar with the community.
We are excited to have a cohort of experienced mentors and speakers for our #codeforpurpose hackathon, there throughout the day to work closely with hackers, providing guidance and support where needed:
Eugeniu Rusu, Jolocom, Full Stack Developer
Iryna Nezhynska, Jolocom, UX/UI designer
Joachim Lohkamp, IPDB, President
Jürgen Eckel, Riddle&Code, CIO
Marcus Jones, Ocean Protocol, Data Scientist
Natascha Wittenberg, Jolocom, Full Stack Developer
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gajek, Ocean Protocol, Advisor
Tom Fürnster, Riddle&Code, Founder and IPDB, General Secretary
Challenge 1: How can IPDB infrastructure help you to realize your innovative ideas and use cases?
Challenge 2: How can you improve user privacy with IPDB infrastructure so that it acts as an immutable reference point for credential validity?
Challenge 3: How can you build and use a Token Curated Registry (TCR) to allow decentralized politics (voting), network permissions, whitelist of good actors, library for user data marketplace, or more?
Challenges will be presented by our speakers in greater detail the morning of the hackathon. See the program below.
09:30 — Participant registration opens
10:00 — Introduction
> Keynote by Tom Fürstner (IPDB)
> Challenges presentation by Riddle&Code, Ocean Protocol, Jolocom
11:00 — Hackathon begins!
18:00 — Hackathon ends & teams present
19:00 — Audience vote
19:30 — Presentation of winner + closing remarks
20:00 — Drinks and Networking
How to apply
Applications are now being accepted! If you are interested in hacking away at our challenge, RSVP on Meetup or Eventbrite to begin the registration process. Our team will get in touch with you directly with instructions on completing your registration.
Register on Meetup → https://bit.ly/codeforpurpose
OR register on Eventbrite → https://bit.ly/codeforpurpose_eventbrite
*** Participation in the hackathon requires completion of a light touch registration process. After you click register, you will be contacted by a member of our team to provide a few details about your development or design experience. An RSVP alone is not sufficient. ***
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