JA Australia Welcome/Info Day 2018

Organized by

    Do you think you have what it takes to be successful? We do. Perfect for high school and university students (any level, any degree), this free event will provide you with: - All the info you need about entrepreneurship  - A chance to meet other students before our Hackathon                                            ( https://jaaustralia_hackathon2018.eventbrite.com.au/ ) - Various games (perfect for ice breaking and team building) - Overview of our exclusive Company of the Year Program (and why you should sign up!) What is JA Australia? What do we do? Why should you join us? By the end of the night, you can tell us.  Don’t worry if you’re not a member yet, we will be taking registrations during the night.  What else are you going to do on a Monday night? Come along, bring a friend and check us out!  We look forward to seeing you there!


    University of Technology Sydney
    Sydney, Australia


    From 19th March 2018 - 06:00 PM
    to 19th March 2018 - 08:00 PM