JANUARY CTT MEETING ~ The Local Spark-Torbay Community Supported Enterprise
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The January meeting will take place on Tuesday January 16th, at Occombe Farm in Paignton.
GUEST ORGANISATION: Our guest organisation this month is Jay Tompt talking about 'The Local Spark' a Torbay Community Supported Enterprise Project
The Local Spark - Torbay Community Supported Enterprise is a new initiative in its earliest stages of formation. It seeks be a catalyst for rallying community support for new and existing local enteprises that benefit the community in some way - think green, ethical, social, resilience-building. It draws its inspiration from citizen-led models underway in other places, such as the experience in Totnes. The Totnes REconomy Project has followed an approach that seeks to nurture a for-benefit entrepreneurial culture, mobilise local capital, and build an 'enterprising ecosystem' that supports new actors, models, and relationships. Our initial ideas for the Local Spark include pop-up incubators, hackathons, and local entrepreneur forums. We're developing partnerships with the Torbay Community Development Trust and the Torbay Social Enterprise Network.
HOSTING: Peter Redstone and Sue Thomas
VENUE: The Training Kitchen at Occombe Farm, Preston Down Road, Paignton, TQ3 1RN
PARKING ARRANGEMENTS: Please park in the Short Stay car park (next to the farm shop). No need to Pay & Display.
TIME: 6pm to 9pm
PRICE: Don't forget £5 to contribute to the cost of the meeting.
OTHER: Refreshments included - provided by Occombe Farm - thank you!
RSVP: Please register your attendance here on Eventbrite.
**NEXT DATE FOR YOUR DIARY**: The dates of the next C.T.T meetings are Tuesday 20th February and Tuesday 20th March. More info and Eventbrite invitations will follow nearer the time.
From 16th January 2018 - 06:00 PM
to 16th January 2018 - 09:00 PM
to 16th January 2018 - 09:00 PM