JUNCTIONxBudapest 2018

Organized by Tech Embassy

Budapest, Hackathon, developers, together in the heart of Europe

JUNCTIONxBUDAPEST | 19-21.10. 2018. The biggest international hackathon is coming to Hungary! APPLY HERE: https://registration.budapest.hackjunction.com/ WHAT IS JUNCTIONxBUDAPEST? JUNCTIONxBUDAPEST is the most innovative hackathon in Hungary and a melting pot for developers, designers, and entrepreneurs from all around the world. Participants create innovative hands-on solutions to real-life challenges with the help of the latest & most up-to-date technologies.


Millenáris Startup Campus
Kis Rókus u. 16-20
Budapest, Hungary


From 19th October 2018 - 10:58 AM
to 21st October 2018 - 06:00 PM