Creating Digital Solutions to Break Down Barriers for Female Entrepreneurs
We talk a lot about the lack of women in technology. What’s keeping them out? The Lady Problem Global Hackathon Series, presented by AngelHack, is launching in a city near you!
The aim of the Lady Problems Global Hackathon Series is to create technology that will address the roadblocks that prevent female entrepreneurship. Women and men will hack together for 24 hours in an effort to build creative solutions to this long standing problem.
Why is this an issue?
Women represent half of the global population, reinvest 90% of their income into their families and communities, but earn just 10% of the world’s income. Studies have shown that advancing women’s equality can add between $12-28 trillion to global economic growth. According to UN Women, companies with 3 or more women in senior management functions score higher in all dimensions of organizational effectiveness, yet just 4% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women.
In startup-land, you’ll find the same results. First Round Capital’s analysis of 300 portfolio companies over ten years showed that startup teams with at least one female founder performed 63% better than all male teams, yet around only 4% of women are backed by VC funding.
It’s proven that investing in women creates a better world, and yet they’re not even close to meeting their potential. So what can we do to solve these problems?
The Mission
The Lady Problems Global Hackathon Series, presented by AngelHack, is setting out to answer that question. We’re challenging our global community of 100,000+ women and men, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, proven barrier-breakers and problem-solvers, to help us address these challenges.
Hack a solution that will help women access health resources to ensure that they can have successful careers, regardless of whether or not they choose to have children.
Hack a solution that ensures that women can be safe when they; go to, are at, and come home from, work.
Hack a solution that helps women gain financial literacy and access the resources they need to grow their businesses.
Hack a solution that helps women access better mentorship and feel less isolated in the workplace.
The grand prize winning team of each city will enter into our first-ever social impact accelerator, get mentorship and other support (aka great prizes) from sponsors.
One Month is giving away a free 30-day trial to all attendees:
Go to:
Select "Enroll Now"
Select membership level
At checkout, receive a 30-day free trial
Coming Soon!
Day 1
09:00 AM : Doors Open to Attendees / Breakfast of Champions
10:30 AM : Opening Ceremony and Sponsor Talks
11:30 AM : Team-building and networking session
12:00 PM : Coding Begins
01:00 PM : Lunch
06:30 PM : CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap documentary screening, sponsored by Capital One
07:00 PM : Dinner
Venue will be open if you choose to hack overnight.
Day 2
08:00 AM : Breakfast
12:00 PM : Lunch
01:00 PM : Hackathon Ends / Submissions due on
02:00 PM : Demos Begin / Demos only / No Slide Decks
(If your demo doesn’t work, take us through the code of what you did and where you got stuck. It’s about showing what you’ve learned and not about pitching an idea)
04:00 PM: Winners are Announced / Prize-a-thon!
Schedule subject to awesome changes. Stay Tuned!
Fresh Code:
We all start coding at the same time. This is done to keep things fair. No one is allowed to come in and build on top of previous projects. It’s cool to work on designs beforehand, digital mockups, open source frameworks, and anything else available to everyone, but keep things within fair limits.
Code Review:
Winning teams will be subject to a code-review at some point following the event or immediately before winning. This is to ensure that all code used is in fact fresh.
Ownership and IP:
Teams have full ownership of everything they build at our events and are free to do with it as they wish.
Team Size:
Teams of up to 5 humans are allowed. You can also add 1 cyborg, Furby, drone, or Sphero.
Each hackathon has its individual page, which projects should be submitted on. Submissions take place after 24 hours of pure hacking.
Demo Your Hack:
You must demo your hack in order to present. No slide-decks or Powerpoint will be allowed. Two minute presentation and one minute Q&A from Judges.
Code of Conduct:
You must abide by the Code of Conduct. We have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment. If you’re making others feel unsafe in anyway, we’ll kick you out. End of story.
Let’s be honest, y’all can do better than Powerpoints. Which is why we rock with live DEMOS only! No exceptions. To win an AngelHack hackathon, you will have to demo your product for at least 30 seconds, but no more than 2 minutes. Don’t worry if your project is still not 100% perfected. Projects will be judged based on the following criteria:
Impact: How impactful will this solution be for its target audience? Is it scalable?
Creativity: How original is this solution?
Design: How well designed is this solution, from front end through to UI/UX?
Execution: How well executed is this solution from start to finish?
Coming Soon!
Are all genders welcome?
Yes! We invite everyone from across the gender spectrum to this hackathon.
How much does it cost to attend?
It costs $10 to attend the Lady Problems hackathon. Discounts are available for nonprofits, students and other local advocacy groups. All ticket proceeds will be donated to nonprofits supporting girls and women.
Who is attending?
Anyone and everyone! Our attendees typically consist of junior developers looking to improve their skills, senior developers looking to expand their horizons, designers of all skill-sets, and serious entrepreneurs that can add value to teams. Bring your idea and let’s go! If the hackathon has sold out, we’ll allow in those with tickets first, and waitlisters IF there is still room.
How are teams formed?
Teams can be formed prior-to the event on, via a dedicated event slack community, or onsite at the event. Team-building activities and networking will be provided at each hackathon.
What should I build?
Let your gut guide you! We usually like to see projects that are innovative, and have the potential to improve or influence people’s lives. Try to build a hack that people can use, enjoy, and potentially scale. Most importantly, have fun with it and try to finish on time. We know you can only do so much in 24 hours, so it’s ok if your project is not perfect (yet).
Are their travel stipends?
Unfortunately, we cannot provide travel stipends for this series.
to 23rd October 2016 - 06:00 PM