Legal Hackers London – New Chapter Launch
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Legal Hackers London – New Chapter Launch
Bringing together legal and technology professionals to solve industry problems.
Monday, November 27, 2017
4:30pm – 6:30pm
5:00pm: Keynote SpeakerAmy ter Haar, President, Intega Ledger CanadaTopic: "Blockchain & Legal Evolution"
Former GT’s, 330 Richmond Street (York and Richmond Street) [MAP]
Parking is available at the Impark lot at York and Richmond Street
Registration is Free
JOIN: Legal Hackers London
Please join the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC), and Legal Hackers London co-founders Amy ter Haar and Chris Bentley to the chapter launch event.
Legal Hackers is a global movement of lawyers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, technologists, and academics who explore and develop creative solutions to some of the most pressing issues at the intersection of law and technology.
Through local meet-ups, hackathons, speakers and workshops, Legal Hackers spot issues and opportunities where technology can improve and inform the practice of law and where law, legal practice, and policy can adapt to rapidly changing technology.
Our first gathering will feature networking and Amy ter Haar, President, Integra Ledger Canada, speaking about "Blockchain & Legal Evolution".
This is a free event.
Click here for more information about Legal Hackers London.
Contact us for more information: 519-661-4545