Learn Day is a global conference that let's you meet your mentors and learn new skills.
Join us on Oct 12th, 2019 for Local Hack Day: Learn Day in Lahore, Pakistan. Learn Day is a global conference that you can share with your community. Pick up the new skills you need by participating in workshops and talks with a community around the world. Over the course of 12 hours, attendees will experience a series of workshops where they'll learn skills such as ReactJS, Python Skills for AI, Laravel, Github, Arduino UNO and much more.
This is an event for all skill levels, from beginners to the most veteran developers. Workshop attendees will learn skills that they can apply in their projects, schoolwork, job, and beyond.
This is a FREE event but we have limited seats available so get your seat reserved ASAP!
Register at: https://localhackday.mlh.io/learn/locations/1798
When: October 12th
Where: Sir Syed College of Computer Science(https://g.page/scocs-uet)