Marketing Growth Hackathon

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    It’s a catch-22: You need a solid marketing plan. But you also need results, fast. The common “solution” to this problem? Budgeting a lot of time upfront for planning. The problem with this approach? Time spent doesn’t automatically translate to quality. Just because you spent weeks planning your approach, there’s no guarantee it will actually work. Plus, by the time you’re ready to press “go,” your window of opportunity has often closed. --- What if there was a way to spend less time planning and more time doing while getting better results for your business? There is. It’s the Marketing Growth Hackathon Model. Developed by PR20/20 CEO Paul Roetzer, this marketing planning model gives you better results, faster. How? Six simple steps. Establish a SMART goal Define and segment audiences Profile personas Catalog accelerators Establish milestones Construct a campaign sandbox --- Learn how to implement the Marketing Growth Hackathon Model at your business. Register for Roetzer’s workshop, How to Hold a Marketing Growth Hackathon, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on May 17, 2018 at Surly Brewing. This highly interactive half-day workshop brings together marketers, executives, and entrepreneurs to solve business growth challenges. The live workshop format helps organizations plan faster, experiment more efficiently and adapt constantly to accelerate success. Workshop Schedule: Introduction: the basics of SMART goals (30 minutes) Breakout: brainstorm business goals in small groups (30 minutes) Collaboration: share and debate ideas with the full event team (60 minutes) Vetting: Discuss A-list ideas in-depth, complete preliminary scoping with time and budget (2-3 hours) Activation: Move the highest-rated ideas into planning stages You'll spark innovation, and walk away with tangible goals to transform your marketing performance in 30, 60, and 90 days. Plus, learn how to make recent marketing technology advances work for you. Interested in a full day of marketing insights? Stick around Surly for the Twin Cities' Conference on the Future of Inbound, DenamiCON. Paul Roetzer will be taking the stage as keynote speaker delivering, Marketing in the Machine Age: A Path to a More (Artificially) Intelligent Future. Interested? Selection the Hackathon + DenamiCON ticket for special pricing.


    Surly Brewing Co.
    Minneapolis, United States


    From 17th May 2018 - 09:00 AM
    to 17th May 2018 - 01:00 PM