McKinsey Analytics Hackathon 2016

McKinsey Analytics is excited to announce our first hackathon. This event will bring together engineers, designers, developers and data scientists for a day and half of hacking.

Join us to network with others in Boston’s tech community, win prizes, learn more about McKinsey Analytics, and build powerful applications that help answer critical business challenges. All are welcome!


Everyone should have now received clues about the hackathon .. here we go!! 

You'll have 3 choices 

1. Stack Overlfow ... 

2. Apache Milagro .. 

3. I...O...T.. 

See you soon!!



9-10 Registration and mingling

10-1030 Introductions and Rules of Hackathon

1030-11 Release the Prompt/Students form Groups

11-1 Work on Prompt with Groups

1 Lunch ready 

1-7 Work on Prompt with Groups

1-145 Optional Fireside Chat on Platform Team at McKinsey

3-345 Optional Fireside Chat on IoT at McKinsey

5-545 Optional Fireside Chat on Quantum Black (A McKinsey & Co. company)

7  Dinner ready 

7-10 Work on Prompt with Groups


9-1030 Working on Prompt with Groups

1030-1115 Judging

115-1145 Announcing the Winners, Showing the Winners Sites and Products

1145-12 Closing Remarks



Great IoT Prizes will be given to the winners. Stay tuned for more details. 


District Hall
BostonUnited States


From 14th May 2016 - 10:00 AM
to 15th May 2016 - 12:00 PM


Prize Pool - Great IoT Prizes