Meet @CIT Hackathon 2018
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Meet @CIT Hackathon 2018 Date: 23 -24 Feb 2018 Venue: CIT (Canadian Institute of Technology) New Year new cyber security challenges. Albanian hackers! For all you skilled cyber security passionate or engineers, that have interest in making the difference in cyber security field, we are extremely happy to host you for testing in two intensive days some real Albanian government information systems, made available for you to demonstrate your skills. Participate, Outstand, And Win! Prizes: 1. Real possibility to get employed as security engineer 2. Full Scholarship in our Cyber Security Programs from CIT 3. Fast Internet Connection for each winner from ABCOM Company
Friday, February 23, 2018
5:00 PM at CIT Premises (at Zayed Center, near Wilson Square), Tirana Albania.
You will be welcomed at the premises. PC will be available with basic tools for scanning and exploring the offered system.
The system offered is available at the LAN.
Protocols, scenarios and procedures will be explained at the event start.
Food and refreshment will be offered from the host.
Allocated time till 11:00 PM.
Note! You may equip yourselves with Laptops or other devices. In such case specify it at the application form.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
8:30 - we start the day in the morning with a welcome coffee
9:00 – start where you left the day before
12:00 AM Continue on scanning and testing, report preparation of findings
- Hands up – report submission to the Jury not later than 12:10AM
12:30 AM - 13:30 The Jury will meet up and evaluate, the winners will be announced in ceremony at CIT Conference Room.
14:00 End of the event