Meet Watson - the platform for cognitive business // IBM Hackathon Berlin

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Interested in AI? Come to Meet IBM Watson—the platform for cognitive business // IBM Hackathon Berlin. IBM Watson was designed to analyse, evaluate and interpret enormous amounts of unstructured data within split seconds, based on natural language. Watson approaches human cognitive abilities and has enormous potential for future applications in industry and society.   The following challenge awaits you:   The weather has a huge impact each day of our lives. Be it in our choice of clothing, or how we get to workit can even impact our purchasing behaviors. At the IBM Hackathon, you'll have the opportuinty to deep dive into a a mass of real world weather data and to create something amazing and cognitive.


Ahoy! Berlin
Berlin, Germany


From 7th October 2016 - 06:00 PM
to 9th October 2016 - 04:00 PM