Mental Health Hackathon
Organized by
Poor mental health is a challenge, not only for the individual but for their family and community. As Bristol is our company's home town, we wanted to try to tackle a big problem in a positive way.
It's been our experience that when people need help they either face a long wait or don't know where to go - neither of which help in a crisis.
As a wellbeing and personal development company, promoting good mental health is a big part of what we do. We start by asking, "What does good look like to you?"
So we invite you, the passionate people of Bristol to come together and solve this issue!
A Hackathon happens when you pose a question, outline the challenges and come up with potential solutions.
We are holding our Hackathon to ask the question: "How can we solve the mental health problem in Bristol?"
We don't mean solve so that no-one suffers, we mean solve so that no-one feels alone in their time of need. In particular we would like to focus on men's mental health, student mental health and the problems of isolation and stigma. We would like to use our experiences and that of our attendees, to join up the services that already exist and outline any gaps in the provisions made.
This evening will be informative, compassionate and productive, as we aim to document our findings in time for Mental Health Awareness week.
Come and join us, your opinion matters.
We will be inviting local council members, interested charities and those working in this field. If you or your family have been affected we would like to hear from you too.
This is an open event and so if you would like to bring your energy and opinion, we would love you to come along,
We hope to learn about what is already in existence and identify any gaps, to include in a report for Mental Health Awareness week.
If you would like more background information here is our Press Release:
Frustrated Mum Spotlights Mental Health in Heartfelt Battle Cry
When Bristol entrepreneur Nicky Marshall received a frantic call from her daughter, little did she know how life would change.
Nicky’s daughter Kassi had received the text we all dread when we know someone is suffering with depression. It simply said goodbye.
After an afternoon spent looking for Jacob, the police could only lend support when their search went in vain. Luckily, later that evening a distressed Jacob returned. This was when the family realised the complexities of the mental health challenge. Unless Jacob was out in public he couldn’t be sectioned. Unless sectioned, the only help available was after a 6-12 week wait.
Thankfully, Jacob is here today with a new job and a brighter outlook. This was in part down to some privately funded hypnotherapy, some Cognitive Behaviour Therapy more than twelve weeks later and the support of family and friends. Sadly this isn’t the case for many families.
“This horrible day is one that so many families suffer, with 1 in 4 people facing a mental health challenge and 84 men taking their lives in the UK every day.” Nicky said, “The sad truth is that the services that are available aren’t always known about and if they are there are big waiting lists. The NHS lacks funding and I racked my brains to think of how we could create a change in our city.”
Nicky realised that the first step in helping Jacob was the coffee they shared. Offering Jacob her help and saying how she cared meant that he and Kassi didn’t feel alone. The second challenge was navigating the search for the right service and the third step funding help.
Nicky runs Discover Your Bounce, who specialise in personal development and corporate wellbeing with business partner Sharon Critchlow. Nicky has over twenty years experience in helping people through holistic therapy, stress management and mentoring. She is an international author and speaker. Sharon previously ran a successful financial planning business, is also an accountant and an ILM Level 7 coach. They realised that their expertise would lend itself to creating change in this area and together they are launching a charity, Discover Your Bounce Buddies, inspired by Jacob.
On the 16thApril they are holding a Mental Health Hackathon at the Bristol and Bath Science Park from 6.30 – 8.30pm. They are asking the question, “How can we solve the mental health challenge in Bristol?” and are inviting local charities, councils, businesses and affected individuals and families to come along and lend their energy. “We don’t mean solve as in no-one having a problem.” Says Sharon, “Solve in that people know what’s on offer and don’t feel alone.”
From the Hackathon the pair intend to publish an extensive list, signposting what’s on offer in the city.
Next the charity will offer anyone suffering from a mental health challenge, however small, the chance of a monthly coffee where they can talk to someone as a friend. In addition the charity will ask local companies to fund resources for their visitors through Corporate Social Responsibility, thus skipping queues and getting help more quickly.
We certainly don’t have all the answers!” says Nicky, “We know through our wellbeing programmes that when you call people together and ask what would be better than this people are amazing and capable of creating massive change.”
“It broke my heart to see Jacob suffering and I vowed to do something to help. Wouldn’t it be great if we could reach out to someone in their darkest hour and make a difference?”
The Mental Health Hackathon is being held at Bristol and Bath Science Park on Tuesday 16thApril from 6.30 – 8.30pm. Free places can be booked on our website:
Nicky: 07760 483851/
Sharon: 07775 930157/
From 16th April 2019 - 06:30 PM
to 16th April 2019 - 08:30 PM
to 16th April 2019 - 08:30 PM