June 22-24, 2016
The MIT App Inventor Summit is the annual gathering of the world-wide App Inventor community. Hosted by the MIT Center for Mobile Learning and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), this summit brings together a diverse range of individuals, including: research scientists; educators from formal and informal settings; NGO staff members; computer scientists; representatives from industry; entrepreneurs; and others. The intimate size, exhilarating program, and accomplished attendees make the MIT App Inventor Summit the ideal opportunity to share current work, form new collaborations, and stay abreast of the latest developments within the MIT App Inventor community.
The theme of this Summit is MAKE! The three days will consist of workshops, DIY, and hackathons where participants will get their hands dirty by learning new skills and creating apps. The Summit will be organized into tracks. Two tracks identified thus far are Education and Health/Medicine. The final day will include a keynote address, poster presentations and sessions, and a showcase for the projects worked on the previous 2 days.
For more information and information on submitting a poster session proposal, see
to 24th June 2016 - 04:00 PM