Mobility of the Future '18 - The hackathon
Organized by
Mobility of the Future '18 is the innovation summit about the mobility of the future.
From thursday 22nd to saturday 24th of February Brussels Kart Expo will be transformed into the innovation playground around the future of mobility.
A hackathon is a place where passionate people with different backgrounds and skillsets come together, form diverse teams, make their pitches, add their expertise and work towards creating a solution. A solution around certain challenges in the field of mobility.
For everyone that wants to change something in the field of mobility. You don't need to have a technical background nor be an expert in mobility. All you need is your specific skillset, a lot of enthusiam and be ready to kick some ass. Engineers, marketeers, business people, techies, creatives, ... Come and innovate the world of mobility!
The #MOTF18 hackathon consists of four different challenges, all connected to our three main topics: "Urban Mobility & City Design", "Smart & Sustainable Mobility" and "Connected & Autonomous Vehicles".
These challenges are problems on a global scale. Each challenge is supported by one of our partners which will also help during and, even more important, after the hackathon.
Find out more on our website page:
Attendees from abroad can apply for a travel fee. Attendees from the Netherlands and Luxemburg get 20 euro travel fee - attendees from Europe (outside of Benelux) get 50 euro travel fee - attendees outside of Europe get 100 euro travel fee. Application is done via registration (buy the ticket and write from which country you are coming (prove is required)). Travel fee will be paid at arrival.
10/11/2017 - Registration are open for the #MOTF18 hackathon;
01/01/2018 - Innovation platform will open up to attendees of #MOTF18;
01/02/2017 - 22/02/2018 - Attendees will receive (extra) information about challenges + local events at partners for a deep dive in the challenges and technologies;
22/02/2018 - 24/02/2018 - #MOTF18 hackathon;
24/02/2018 - The winners of each challenge and the overal winner will be selected;
After the hackathon - The winners will receive coaching from partners, the network will be opened for new partnerships and possible funding is available (depending on the partner, winners and project). Together with the partners we will help the winners to bring their solution to the market!
Junction organizes community events centered on innovation. With 20+ hackathons and private innovation tracks Junction is an industry leader in innovation events.
#MOTF18 is made possible with the support of Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (Vlaamse overheid), WeAreMobility by Febiac, De Cronos Groep, Taxistop, KBC Autolease, LabBox, Febetra and our community partners. All partners can be found on our website.
Alle informatie kan gevonden worden op onze website op de pagina voor de hackathon.
Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur notre site web à la page pour le hackathon.
From 22nd February 2018 - 05:30 PM
to 24th February 2018 - 10:00 PM
to 24th February 2018 - 10:00 PM