Mon Centre-Ville a un Incroyable Commerce - Epernay

Organized by MCVAIC

Accelerating Business Growth in Downtown Epernay

Project leaders, traders, craftspeople, and others in the commune of Epernay and the surrounding Marne department! If you are passionate about business growth in the center of Epernay, then Mon Centre-Ville a un Incroyable Commerce invites you to step up and participate in their MCVAIC competition!  During this 36-hour event at Epernay Town Hall, you'll be challenged to create and test ideas for commerce or crafts that can help stimulate local economic development in the town center of Epernay.

Get hackathon advice from the tips page!


Hôtel de Ville d'Epernay
Épernay, France


From 22nd January 2021 - 08:00 AM
to 23rd January 2021 - 01:00 PM