Money20/20 Hackathon

Organized by

Fintech Hackers! Come and participate in Money20/20 Hackathon—the premier event for the world’s best developers. Bring your team and battle for $125K in cash prizes and international notoriety as you are challenged to showcase your skills and vision using the APIs, SDKs and other tools from today’s leading payments and financial services innovators. This year’s sponsor challenges include:     »  Feedzai: Leverage Feedzai’s API and other data services to build the best risk management decision use case.   »  First Data: Find the most creative use of First Data APIs.   »  Ingenico: Come up with a new commerce experience using Ingenico SDKs in one (or more!) of these areas: In-store, Online, or Mobile   »  Modo: Use Modo’s handcrafted API to develop something awesome.   »  Synchrony Financial: Use Synchrony API’s to build an experience that surprises and delights.   »  Vantiv: Solve one of the world's grandest challenges—global warming, food growth/distribution, space travel, medicine, science, etc.   »  Visa: Create mind-blowing experiences to rapidly expand commerce by mashing Visa APIs with other technology and open APIs.   »  Worldpay: Develop an innovative application or solution that enhances a consumer’s purchase experience (instore or online).



From 22nd October 2016 - 09:00 AM
to 23rd October 2016 - 06:00 PM