NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2018 Boston

Organized by Binnovative

Cooperating Internationally to Solve the Challenges of Space and Earth Sciences 

NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) is the largest hackathon in the world. It is commissioned by NASA to get citizens to collaborate on its mission directives.  NASA ISAC 2018 Boston will take place on October 20th 8am - October 21st 4pm at CIC Boston in Boston, MA.


The International Space Apps Challenge is an international mass collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration that takes place over 48-hours in cities around the world. The event embraces collaborative problem solving with a goal of producing relevant open-source solutions to address global needs applicable to both life on Earth and life in space. NASA is leading this global collaboration along with a number of additional government collaborators and 100+ local partner organizations. Space Apps is a NASA incubator innovation program.

In addition to hosting our local teams, Boston will also host several special teams. These international teams comprise of attendees from Boston, satellite locations at U-Tokyo, and participants from Japan. They will collaborate across continents.

International Team (Collaboration with Japan)

During the hackathon, we bring together select participants to form teams comprising of people from Japan and Boston. These ‘international teams’ are exciting collaboration opportunities to allow participants to develop multi-cultural perspective since team-members work collaboratively across the ocean.

Each international team consists of about 5-8 participants from Japan and Boston (i.e. 3 from Japan, 3 from Boston) with diverse technical and professional backgrounds. The participants from Japan will join you via communication tools such as Google Hangout and Skype.

If you are participating in international team from Boston, please select "NASA ISAC 2018 Boston International Team" as your registration option. Since the Ideathon on 10/5 was over, attendees of international team will join to one of international teams already formed based on your skill and interest.

-> Available international team spots are very limited. If you are interested in joining international team, get ticket asap!

Click here for more Information about International Team

Local Team

You can join the hackathon as a team or an individual. There is no separate Ideathon session for the local team.

However, all registants will be invited to NASA ISAC Boston Slak so you can start lookig for your team members of team to join!

*** When you register your ticket, please choose one depends on which team you are attending. ***

If you are attending as Boston local team please choose 

   1.NASA ISAC 2018 Boston (for Local Team attendee only)

if you are attending as International team, please choose

   2.NASA ISAC 2018 Boston (for International Team attendee only)


NASA ISAC Boston is organized by:


Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?

18 years or older. If you’re under 18, please get permission from a responsible adult. You must register to participate. 

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

For more details:
Or email us at:


CIC Boston
BostonUnited States


From 20th October 2018 - 08:30 AM
to 21st October 2018 - 04:30 PM