Okta-Amazon Alexa-UCLA Hackathon: Identity is Creativity!
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Okta-Amazon Alexa-UCLA Hackathon: Identity is Creativity!
Note: The event has been rescheduled from its original January dates to April 28th and 29th
Come hack with us!
Okta, Amazon Alexa and UCLA feel that innovation is best demonstrated by bringing ideas to life, even if the first version may not be perfect. At this hackathon, you can build any type of project you'd like. And then use Okta to secure it with authentication, authorization, and user management in a matter of minutes. You can also create a more personalized user experience with Alexa.
To join us register below, and on the weekend of Hackathon come create something cool! A new website, an awesome mobile app, a clever bot, a cool data visualization, an Alexa app, anything cool and useful.
Requirements: Development experience
Team Size: Maximum 4 members. If you don’t have a full 4-person team, just show up and we'll find a team for you
(Okta employees/partners will not qualify for prizes, although all are welcome to join the hackathon!)
Registration: Register, and if possible, donate to the Association for Computing Machinery-Women (ACM-W) - Supporting Women Engineers. Once registered, submit your team info to HackLA@okta.com
*UCLA Students – Please use your @ucla address
Registration Deadline: April 26th, 2018
Judging Criteria:
Quality of the idea
Implementation of the Idea
Potential impact – Individual, school, community, or business
Usage of Okta Platform
Usage of Amazon Alexa
First place: $2000
Second place: $1000
Third place: $500
Amazon Alexa devices
Dates and Times:
Hackathon Hours: April 28th, 10:00 AM to April 29th 2:00 pm (We'll have coffee and energy drinks to keep you going!)
Parking: UCLA Parking Structure 8 – Overnight parking available
Prepay for parking using the Parkmobile App - Parking Zone# 2508 (Pick UCLA) - you need to add your vehicle to the app.
Okta and Amazon Alexa team members to help you at the Hackathon:
Okta Developer Relations/Evangelist:
Randall Degges
Okta Solutions Architects:
Joel Hanson, Payal Ajwani, Brent Garlow, Joe Correa, Shawn Recinto, Andrew van Beek, Ryan Shaller, Jim Faut
Amazon Alexa Solutions Architect:
Justin Jeffress
UCLA Industry Relations/Career Center:
David Mora
10:00 – 11:00 am: Kickoff + Team Intros
11:00 am – 01:00 pm: How to sessions + Lunch: (Okta and Amazon Speakers)
01:00 – 09:00 am: Hack away: (*How to* help is always available) Communication/Announcements during this time will be through Slack Channel or in person
7:00 pm: Dinner (Snacks and drinks always available)
12:00 am: Midnight Pizza
07:30 am: Breakfast
09:00 – 9:45 am: Wrap up coding and prepare for presentations
09:45 – 10:00 am: Upload your Presentation (Link) – (this is what you will be presenting. No changes will be accepted after).
10:00 am – 12:30 pm: Presentation (No Laptops up for audience)
12:30 –1:30 pm: Lunch + Networking
01:30 – 2:00 pm: Winners announced
Have fun and work in harmony. Be respectful! Any misbehavior will lead to disqualification.
Build something meaningful, new, and awesome!
You must use Okta as the Identity provider in your project. Feel free to use any other tools or technologies you wish.
You cannot bring previously written code. We will audit each team's code.
Your code belongs to you and no one else.
Track your code on Git.
Your presentation + project must be submitted between 9:45 – 10:00 am on Sunday. No changes will be permitted after submission.
Organizers are here to help! We'll keep your project confidential.
Submit your code in your Git repo and your presentation here at 9:45 am. No late changes will be accepted.
TODOs before the event:
Sign up for a free Okta developer Account: https://developer.okta.com/signup/ (Required - One per team for the hackathon, you can sign up as individuals for learning purposes)
Sign up for Amazon Developer Account: https://developer.amazon.com/alexa-skills-kit
Useful Links:
Okta APIs and Examples:
Here are the Okta SDKs for Authentication/Authorization/User management/Multifactor Auth/Social
Okta APIs: https://developer.okta.com/docs/api/getting_started/api_test_client.html
Okta OAuth: API Access management - https://developer.okta.com/use_cases/api_access_management/
Authentication options based on the project needs/login experience – for this Hackathon, we encourage the Sign-In widget since that is the easiest to get started with - https://developer.okta.com/use_cases/authentication/
Alexa integration: https://github.com/pmcdowell-okta/oktaRental-alexa (with server side appl - https://github.com/pmcdowell-okta/okta-carrental-amazon-apigateway)
Okta's Developer Blog:
Use OpenID Connect to Build a Simple Node.js Website
Build an Ionic App with User Authentication
Okta Examples on GitHub:
Alexa Docs:
Amazon Alexa announced a new version of the Nodejs sdk. You are welcome to use either version.
A few things to get you started developing with Alexa.
Tutorials & Getting Started:
A 5 minute quick start tutorial: https://developer.amazon.com/alexa-skills-kit/tutorials/fact-skill-1
Additional Tutorials here at both a beginner and advanced level:
Recommended Learning Path: Start with the Fact Skill Tutorial, and then follow the City Guide Skill Tutorial.
Design & Development:
Voice Design Guides, contain design thinking and thought leadership around creating the best voice experiences for your customers:
For useful code snippets and examples, take a look at the cookbook:
An in-browser Alexa device, useful for testing your skill when you don't have a device handy:
We will also have test devices to loan out
For inspiration, here are some things Alexa developers around the world have built:
Complete Technical Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/documentation
Official Developer Forum:https://forums.developer.amazon.com/topics/alexa+skills+kit.html
Official Nodejs SDK: https://github.com/alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejs
Alexa Voice Service (Adding Voice Control to any device with a microphone and a speaker):https://developer.amazon.com/alexa-voice-service
If you have any questions, if you need help, a sounding board for your ideas, or if you want to swing by and chat -- feel free find us on our table during the hackathon.
From 28th April 2018 - 10:00 AM
to 29th April 2018 - 02:00 PM
to 29th April 2018 - 02:00 PM