Online Info Session for "Hack the Bay Area Traffic Congestion"
Organized by EIT Digital Silicon Valley
Get prepared to solve the San Francisco Bay Area's traffic problems
Are you ready to solve the Bay Area's traffic problems?
Hack the San Francisco Bay Area Traffic Congestion
EIT Digital, in partnership with Climate-KIC and Prospect SV, is putting on "Hack the Bay Area," a traffic congestion hackathon, where you will be able to brainstorm solutions. This all-weekend event will take place at Prospect Silicon Valley in San Jose with up to $9,000.00 in awards from the prize pool.
Join the info session:
if you want to learn more about "Hack the Bay Area Traffic Congestion" hackathon.
if you have signed up for the hackathon and want to learn about the logistics.
if you're interested in participating in the challenge but haven't joined a team yet.
- Welcome
- Introduction to the challenge
- Description of activities during the Hackathon
- how to sign up
- forming teams
- logistics during the challenge
- Q&A
Download the full Hackathon flyer here
From 30th November 2018 - 12:30 PM
to 30th November 2018 - 01:30 PM
to 30th November 2018 - 01:30 PM