Online Networking event (for business owners in KL / Selangor, Malaysia only)
Organized by
This event is for business owners in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor ONLY.
Our regular face to face networking meetings have been moved to Video Conference networking event using the free software ZOOM. Register your interest to participate and I will Whatsapp you more details on how to join the chat room.
We are a group of 50 business owners from various and non clashing job classifications. Our goal is to refer business to each other via our own network.
We are now extending an invitation to business owners who also would like to benefit from this referral business.
If you are ready to take an active approach to meet like minded business owners then check the details below:
When: This Tuesday Morning at 7.00 am sharp to 9:00am (registration starts at 6:30am)What: 50+ Business owners and Business Representatives Where: During the Confinement imposed by the government - Using Zoom software
Investment: Free of chargeAttire: Business
You can expect a fruitful meeting with experts from different fields and you too will get a chance to introduce your business to everyone in the chat room.
Drop us an email at or Whatssapp 012-376 5000 for more information.
From 10th March 2020 - 07:00 AM
to 29th June 2021 - 09:00 AM
to 29th June 2021 - 09:00 AM