Participatory Health Informatics
Organized by
Seville will host the first edition of the International Workshop on Participatory Health Informatics, aimed especially at doctoral students or students with a Master's degree.
Organized by the Technical School of Advanced Computer Engineering from the University of Seville and Salumedia Tecnologías, and with the support of the Oncoavanze medical center and the European research projects CATCH, CHESS and ENJECT, this first International Workshop will be a place for meeting and working in a new line of technological research in the field of health called Participatory Health Informatics.
The programme includes practical workshops, presentations of technologies and new lines of research in the field of eHealth, round table discussions, groupwork, personalized professional orientation sessions and Hackathon.
The I International Workshop will welcome attendees and keynotes of great relevance in the field of health informatics and Digital Health such as Dr. Shabbir Syed-Abdul (Taipei Medical University), Dr. Jelena Mirkovic, Dr. Frederic Llordach (Doctoralia), Prof. Rosa Baños or Prof. Joan Carles March.
It is an open encounter, with limited capacity for 80 people, however part of the forum will be occupied by researchers who participate in the collaborating European research projects.
If you are a researcher, student, professor or professional and want to attend, but don´t belong to any of the European projects (CATCH, CHESS or ENJECT), now you must click on REGISTER.
The last registration day is 27 May.
We wait for you in Seville!
You can check the programme in our website