Pasifika and Tech- Building Creative Futures
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Are you looking for inspiration about how you might commercialise a tech idea?
Are you looking for an opportunity to invest in and partner with people developing forward thinking technology?
Do you want to learn more about how you can get work experience in the tech industry?
Want to get some help with your tech idea?
Well come along to this event to launch the Tupu Tek Pasifika Internships and the PacHack - Pacific Tech Hackathon. You'll also get to Hear from some amazing Pacific entreprenuers and creatives using tech in the creative and Galleries Libraries Archives and Museum (GLAM) sectors- come and see what new opportunities might await you!
The Tupu Tek Pasifika Internships are a new initiative created through a partnership between Summer of Tech and the Ministry of Innovation Business and Employment (MBIE). Summer of Tech is the premier IT internship programme for NZ. Tupu Tek is a targeted internship programme that encourages Pacific learners to take up paid work experience within tech skills.
PacHack - Pacific Tech Hackathon is also another initiative developed through a partnership between MBIE and Dev Academy. Dev Academy is NZ's premier web development academy. PacHack provides an opportunityfor budding Pacific entreprenuers and business owners to gain acess to DevAcademy's vast experience and knowledge in the tech sector. Successful applicants will be invited to a day long workshop where they can work with a team of experts to develop their ideas further. Come along to the launch to learn how you can apply!
Event Details
Manukau Institute of TechnologyCorner of Davies Ave and Manukau Station Rd, Auckland, Rooms 110,113,137Free Event
From 10th May 2017 - 06:30 PM
to 10th May 2017 - 08:30 PM
to 10th May 2017 - 08:30 PM