PDX Blockchain Summit - Volunteer / Partner Registration
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Hackathon Registration is limited to 150 developers, so register yourself today!Be a Partner or Volunteer - As a community partner to this event, you have knowledge and sweat equity to share! TAO is seeking shifts of connected community organizers to guide our hackers on resources related to accessible services. While you may not be technical, you know the ins and outs and of services and resources available to our homeless population and want to dedicate your time for the greater good! As a volunteer to this event, you have passion and sweat equity to share! TAO is seeking shifts of connected helpful volunteers to ensure our hackers are given love around the clock while they work! The roles for volunteers we are seeking are for: mentors, data/researchers, event planning and logistics, AV support, photography & videography.
Be a Hacker - As a hacker for this event, you have the technical, creative or project management skills to share! TAO is seeking teams of 5 - 7 individuals to work on the challenge mentioned above. The goal for each team is to have a minimum of: Two (2) developers or technical skills, one (1) designer or creative person and one (1) project manager. Pre formed teams can sign up together by purchasing the tickets all together!
TEAMS - should form organically or we can help form teams
-2 developers
-1 PM
-1 UX/UI/design
-community partner (knowledgeable)
-data digger/researcher
-event / logistics / concierge
-AV / systems help
-photo / videoLearn more about speakers and program agenda by visiting the PDX Blockchain Summit website.
Sponsors and Partners
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Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Click here to learn more or email Skip Newberry at skip.newberry@techoregon.org.
From 9th November 2018 - 05:00 PM
to 10th November 2018 - 08:00 PM
to 10th November 2018 - 08:00 PM