PEI Open Data Hackathon
Organized by
The Government of PEI
is proud to present the
PEI Open Data Hackathon
hosted by PEI Devs and Open Data PEI
Come join us International Open Data Day Saturday, March 5th for a single day hackathon utilizing PEI Open Data.
This is an event about building something awesome and connecting with other incredible developers, designers, open data enthusiasts, and people involved in technology. Whether you're new to open data or a seasoned vet, everyone will come away with something great from a Hackathon. There are door prizes, but this isn't a competition. This is about coming together and building great applications and relationships.
Get the latest info on the event:
PEI Devs:
Twitter: @PEIDevs
developers, designers, open data enthusiasts, and anyone with a love for technology. People who want to contribute and have fun… from PEI, the Maritimes, and beyond.
What you need to bring:
Yourself and a computer. It's a good idea to bring your power cable.
Do this before you arrive:
Set up whatever environment(s) or tools you may use.
Doors Open at 7, event starts at 7:30 sharp. Breakfast and Coffee will be avaliable.
Kickoff the event and introduce the schedule and how the day will work.
Anyone with an idea puts it up on the wall. After the ideas are up, each person gives a short (2 minute) description/pitch. After all the pitches, builders put their names up on the idea they want to work and teams are formed.
Forming the teams and scoping projects. Get to know your team and your project. Scope your project down to something that can be demoed after 10 hours of heads down hacking. If the group determines they don't have the right mix of skills or that the project is too big for a hack, they can pivot or join other teams.
Hack (Lunch will arrive, but we will continue to Hack)
Open Data Workshop.
**If there are enough attendees that are interested in open data, but are not able to join one of the hack teams, we will put together an open data workshop to help deepen the understanding of open data and what is possible.
Prep your demo
Demo time, dinner, and door prizes!
Have questions about PEI Devs Hackathon? Contact PEI Developers
Thank you to our sponsors!
Government of PEI
Binary Star
Start Up Zone
From 5th March 2016 - 07:00 AM
to 5th March 2016 - 08:00 PM
to 5th March 2016 - 08:00 PM