PLAY PARTY | Global Game Jam 2020
Organized by
Let's celebrate another wild year building games during Global Game Jam!Play the newly hand-crafted games made by local game makers (think hackathon projects but infinitely more fun), grab a few drinks made by Clutch Brewing, explore the Keg and Case Market, and hang out with the creators from local jam sites!
If you're a player, bring yourself and all of your friends ✨
If you participated in the game jam, bring the game you made game and a way to play it. Jammers are asked to bring all of their own equipment needed to showcase their game, including devices, monitors, controllers, cables, headphones, and peripherals. We'll lay down the power, but grab an extra strip one if you think you'll need more than two outlets. Help us with game station estimates with a quick RSVP.
*Note: Internet is available but unreliable. We highly recommend that jammers pre-download any needed files onto their device or a flash drive. PARKING: Free parking available at the Keg and Case Market!
VENUE // FOOD: Located in the Keg and Case Market, Clutch Brewing is on the second (mezzanine) level of the building overlooking the food hall. You'll find tons of delicious local bites, desserts, and fresh fares.
From 16th February 2020 - 01:00 PM
to 16th February 2020 - 05:00 PM
to 16th February 2020 - 05:00 PM