Predicting and preventing bursts - Data Hackathon (South East Water)

Organized by

    The leakage reduction team at South East Water is looking for ways to improve targeting of leaks on their distribution mains using their existing data. This will enable the company to develop new ways to identify and prioritise leaks before bursts occur and better target their leak intervention teams. Using historical data, the hackathon provides an opportunity for interested parties to access a wealth of real-world data and demonstrate the value of their approach in two main areas: Development of new analysis models and tools for identifying and prioritising leakage events. Demonstrating new approaches to distribution main leakage management, with focus on identifying and prioritising 7-day and 60-day targets before mains failure. 


    Regus offices
    Dartford, United Kingdom


    From 29th October 2018 - 09:30 AM
    to 30th October 2018 - 04:00 PM