Public Expo for the Reality Virtually Hackathon

The Public Expo of the Reality Virtually Hackathon will be a showcase and award ceremony of the most cutting edge developments in augmented reality and virtual reality as created by the 400 developers, designers, and AR/VR storytellers participating in the hackathon.

Public Expo: 1pm-5pm
Award Ceremony: 5pm-6pm

The Public Expo will be held at the MIT Media lab and will be a chance to play and interact with the AR/VR innovations developed in the fields of:

Category 1: Healthcare and Medicine: Allow physicians or medical administrators to improve care experiences.

Category 2: Entertainment: Make an audience member feel like they are part of the film with either virtual or augmented immersion in a story.

Category 3: Education: Provide new tools to educators to help them accelerate the learning process or to reach those who do not have traditional instructional methods available.

Category 4: Sports: Help coaches and athletes fine tune their game through the use of augmented reality, virtual reality for practice, training, or game-day play needs.

Category 5: Architecture, Engineering and Construction: Provide new tools to enhance the scope of architecture and construction in traditional methods and also immersive means for specification development of projects

Category 6: Gaming: Design, architect and develop games to be played in an AR/VR environment including scene development and game logic including single / multi-player games.

Category 7: Retail: Allows users to buy and sell goods within an AR/VR environment, potentially leveraging virtual store fronts and digital markets.

You will get the chance to interact with the AR/VR maker community, provide feedback, and choose your favorite project!


MIT Media Lab
CambridgeUnited States


From 9th October 2017 - 01:00 PM
to 9th October 2017 - 06:00 PM