R U Ready - Hackathon
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Are you ready to HACK?
Developers, designers, media enthusiasts and hackathon junkies: We want you for our R U Ready Hackathon! Together with Germany’s top media companies we will offer exciting challenges aiming to disrupt the media industry. Join us for a 3-day hackathon at the R U Ready Summit @ Medientage Munich and build the future of media!
Why you should join:
Meet like-minded media innovators & win cool prices
Get a free conference pass for the first day of Medientage Munich
Get access to Germany’s top media companies
When & Where:October 23-25, 2019 @ Medientage München | ICM - Munich
LET'S GET PERSONAL (AND STAY RELIABLE)n-tv will launch an alternative startpage of their iOS app in three weeks. How could personalization or new features involving personalization be a part of this new experience without creating a news filter bubble? Our goal would be to increase the clicks, the loyalty, the retention period of our existing and new usersby N-TVSEEDING MACHINEBR24 produces digital content about a vast variety of topics and aims to reach as many people as possible, for example by seeding. We post our content in social groups centered around that certain topic. How might we automate the way we spread the word about our content on social platforms?by BR24DIGITAL MEDIA MAPHow can a digital map look like and work, which shows the Bavarian media industry’s diversity?by XPLR:MEDIA
POLITICS FORMAT FOR MILLENIALS How can an exciting digital policy format for millennials look like? by DIE ZEITRELEVANCE OF READER'S KNOWLEDGEHow can content automatically adapt to the reader's knowledge about a certain topic? What data does it need? How could that look like?by MEDIA LAB BAYERN
Schedule:(preliminary agenda)
Wednesday, October 23rd09.00 | Registration open & Opportunity to Join Medientage München Conference (Food included)18.00 | Welcome by Media Lab Bayern, Hackerstolz & Hacks Hackers18.15 | Challenge Presentation by Partners19.00 | Teambuilding24.00 | See you tomorrow
Thursday, October 24th08.30 | Breakfast09.30 | Welcome Back10.00 | Final Teambuilding10.15 | CODE!10.15 | Workshops according to Challenge12.15 | Working Lunch13.30 | CODE!18.00 | Recap Validation & Pitch-Input19.00 | Dinneropen End | CODE!
Friday, October 25th08.30 | Breakfast08.30 | CODE!12.00 | Hacking Deadline & Lunch12.00 | Pitch Preperation13.00 | Pitches on R U Ready Stage @ Medientage München15.15 | Award Ceremony on Main Stage @ Medientage München16.30 | Goodbye
More information: https://www.media-lab.de/events/r-u-ready-summit/hackathon
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