Ramayana Hackathon in Noida - The Ramayana School

Organized by The Ramayana School

We will try to dive into the Valmiki Ramayana, Unravel the facts and create Quiz Questions from it

Ramayana Hackathon is a one-day event organized by The Ramayana School, where we will try to dive into the Valmiki Ramayana, Unravel the facts and create Quiz Questions from it.

- Participants will be allocated resources (books, websites for referring English translation of the Valmiki Ramayana).

- Participants need to bring their laptop and basic internet connection (through dongle OR mobile's hotspot) and create quiz questions, from the allocated chapters.

- Participants creating a maximum number of questions, most innovative questions, fastest set of questions, will be rewarded.

You can form teams and join, parents, can join with their children, for this amazing experience to dive into Lord Rama’s life

Date: 26 Oct 2019
Time: 11 AM to 5 PM (You can join for a few hours also)
Venue: IIP Academy, B-7, Sec.2, Noida (Near Noida Sec.15 Metro Station)

Register now (free): Free Registration To Attend The Hackathon
Facebook Event Page

NOTE: Bring your own laptop and basic internet connection (dongle OR mobile's hotspot).


IIP Academy, B-7, Sector - 2, Near Sector - 15 Metro Station
Noida, India


From 26th October 2019 - 11:00 AM
to 26th October 2019 - 05:00 PM