Random Hacks of Kindness

Organized by Random Hacks of Kindness, Sydney

Volunteers from the tech industry collaborate with social entrepreneurs to help solve challenges facing society.

Over 48 hours our volunteer hackers, technologists, designers, and creative thinkers co-develop solutions to help solve challenges facing society. Challenges and solutions range from: * A prototype of a piece of software or app * Redesign part of a website to better meet the needs of volunteers/specific audience * Design a marketing campaign for a specific event * Write content or business cases for a new idea relating to tech. * Generate ideas to solve a problem you think digital can help with. ------------------------------------ Our Sydney Winter Hack weekend: 22 & 23 June 2019 | 9am-4pm 
Tech Volunteers teams (Hackers) build great digital stuff for Changemakers(NFPs/Social enterprise/Charities).
 ------------------------------------ The 2 lead-up events are:
 1. Wed 12 June 2019 | 6pm-8pm
Team forming night:  (a.k.a. networking) Each Changemaker pitches their tech-challenge to the hackers, teams are formed.
 2. Wed 19 June 2019 | 6pm-8pm Ideation evening:  Hackers come together to think through how they might approach your challenge 
(https://www.meetup.com/rhok-sydney/events/259836246/) ------------------------------------ RHoK Australia relies on the support of our volunteer hackers. Since 2011 we've gathered over 500 hackers and helped over 100 organisations find tech-enabled solutions to pressing social problems. We are widely acknowledged in Australia as one of the pioneers in this space. Our unique combination of hackathons and smaller follow up events ensure that we get our solutions across the finish line and positively impact the wider community.


General Assembly Sydney
1 Market St
Sydney, Australia


From 22nd June 2019 - 09:00 AM
to 23rd June 2019 - 04:00 PM