Recoding Mobility - Hackathon with Dubai Taxi Corporation

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    Recoding Mobility, a unique hackathon brought you by Dubai Taxi Corporation  >>> THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL - BUT PLEASE REGISTER YOUR INTEREST TO BE ADDED TO THE WAITING LIST  The Recoding Mobility Hackathon gives you the chance to be one of the first to hack the mobility journey of the services provided by Dubai Taxi Corporation! Your ultimate goal is to create prototypes and solutions that will enhance the journey when using Dubai Taxi Services. There are also mini challenges waiting for you to win techy gifts and more! So if you want to be at the forefront of digital solutions for Dubai Taxi Corporation, enter our exciting 3-day Hacking Challenge! WHAT ARE THE STEPS? Step 1: Click on register and you’ll be lead to an eventbrite to sign up. Step 2: “Shortlisted” profiles will be invited to join the Online Ideation phase.  Step 3: Enjoy and brainstorm during 2 weeks on Online Ideation Platform and meet the mentors! Step 3: Attend Recoding Mobility at RTA - Innovation Lab Step 4: 48 hours of non-stop hacking and demo your prototype! Key Information Dates: 23rd - 25th November 2017  Location: RTA - Innovation Lab, Dubai  Profiles: UAE based Developer, Marketer, Designer, Data Scientist university students  Prizepool: Up to 45,000 AED!!   For any questions please wrtie to (We will soon announce the official website! Stay tuned!)  About Dubai Taxi Corporation  Dubai Taxi Corporation is a subsidiary of Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), owned by the Government of Dubai, with initial capital investment of AED 100 Million. DTC enjoys its own legal personality and it is financially and administratively independent according to Decree number (20). Dubai Taxi Corporation, as an entity commenced operations in 1994 and within a short span of time has become the leading player in passengers’ transport in Dubai. We offer variety and unique services, focusing on services safety and best quality levels. Based on market demand and customer segments, Dubai Taxi Corporation has designed unique and special services to meet their customers and society needs and expectations.


    Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    From 23rd November 2017 - 06:00 PM
    to 25th November 2017 - 06:00 PM