Recognition Mission: Non-technical HR Hackathon

Organized by

    This HR Hackathon is a forum for new ideas on how we can supercharge recognition to power cultural outcomes for today’s global business. With the growing trend of disparate workforces, increasing availability of new communication technologies and shifting organisational cultures: how do we harness recognition to make it count? We all know that recognition helps to engage employees at all levels, champion positive behaviours and drives real business outcomes. With the right recognition systems, we can make work a better place for everyone from frontline staff to CEOs and boost performance in the process. In this non-technical HR Hackathon, your team will develop a disruptive workforce recognition solution and go head-to-head with like-minded thought leaders in this space. Whether you are a CEO, HR practitioner, people manager or anyone in between, we are seeking a diverse range of participants who have something to say about talent, culture and technology. Let's get recognition back on our radars with innovative ideas and fresh perspectives, to empower employees across global workplaces.  The Perks: This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to make their mark on workplace recognition and connect with like-minded thought leaders in the people and technology space! The day will also include:*$3500 in cash prizes up for grabs*Full catering + barista coffee all day*Post-event networking session Questions? Check out more info or chat with us here.  Registration info All Hackathon teams will consist of 4 or 5 people.  I have a group of 4 or 5 people already Simply select a group ticket, choose a team name and enter the details of all your team members in the one form. I have a group of 2-3 people Follow the instructions above, and we'll add additional members to your team to make a group of 4 or 5. I am an individual entrant Order an individual ticket and we'll add you to a group.  Frequently Asked Questions Who can enter? If you are great at working in teams, know how to think outside the box and have something to say about talent, culture and technology - then you are welcome to participate! Whether you are a CEO, HR practitioner, marketing professional or anyone in between, we are seeking a diverse range of "Hackers" to be involved. How will teams be formed? Teams can register together in a single registration. Or, if you would like to be placed in a team, simply register yourself only and we will formulate individual entrants into diverse groups. All teams must contain 4 or 5 people. What does it cost? It is 100% free to participate in this hackathon. What do I need to bring? Simply bring along your own laptop or device, and we will provide everything else you need. What resources are provided? Whiteboards, pens and flipcharts will be available for each team. The event will also be fully catered with lunch and snacks on the day. And most importantly, there is a coffee machine! How long is the Hackathon? You will have 7 hours to create your solution (10am - 5pm). The whole event will run from 9am to 7pm including the introduction and post-event celebrations. What's up for grabs? Prizes will be announced via our social media channels leading up to the event so stay tuned for updates.  



    From 2nd December 2017 - 09:00 AM
    to 2nd December 2017 - 07:00 PM