Ruby Open Source Testing Code Hackathon

Organized by

    Join us in Toronto and help us shape the future of functional testing in Ruby. Our key participants include: Bret Pettichord - Founder of Watir and member of original launch team for Selenium Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan - Author of the Page Object gem (and a host of other testing gems) Titus Fortner - Current Maintainer of Ruby Selenium Bindings and current project lead for Watir Ruby is an excellent language in which to write automated browser tests. It is easy to read, fun to use, and has dozens of different gems that do all kinds of different things that make it easier to write and maintain test suites at all levels of complexity. We'd like to improve how some of these gems work together and be able to provide a packaged collection of code that makes it easier for people to ramp up their automated test suites from scratch. I've been calling this idea the "Rails of Automated Testing." In the same way that Rails made it easy and fun for people without much domain experience to create a web application, there is a more specialized need to provide a solution like this for people tasked with writing automated tests. This might not be a typical hackathon, but we will be deciding on objectives and splitting up into groups to dig into code to make it happen. Organizers will be on hand to answer questions or provide deep dives into the code bases. Options for exploration will include things like: test data management, session configuration, mobile APIs, page modeling and project scaffolding. Please bring your testing experience and/or your coding skills and join us in Toronto. Friday:11:30 - Doors open12 - Introductions and Overview1 - Coding!5 - Break for dinner/drinksSaturday:9:30 - Doors open (breakfast)10:00 - Recap previous day11 - Coding!1 - Lunch Break2 - Coding!4 - Presentations, What nexts and Departing thoughts5 - Break for dinner/drinksSponsors:Loblaw Digital:Loblaw Digital is the team building and operating the digital businesses for Canada's largest and most successful retailer. We create leading responsive e-commerce experiences, including Loblaws Click & Collect, an innovative online grocery shopping experience. We've also built and now operate the award-winning, along with the iPad/iPhone app. We are based in downtown Toronto and operate like a startup with the resources of a much larger company. We are an entrepreneurial, fast-paced, collaborative, and fun team working towards transforming the way Canadians shop.Sauce Labs:Sauce Labs makes automated testing awesome. Our cloud-based platform helps developers test native & hybrid mobile and web applications across hundreds of browser / OS platforms, including iOS, Android & Mac OS X. Sauce supports Selenium, Appium and popular JavaScript unit testing frameworks, and integrates with all of the top programming languages, test frameworks and CI systems. With built-in video recording and screenshots of every test case, debugging tools, and secure tunneling for local or firewalled testing. Sauce makes running, debugging and scaling test suites quick and easy. To get started for free, visit


    Toronto, Canada


    From 22nd September 2017 - 11:30 AM
    to 23rd September 2017 - 05:00 PM