"self.TaughtCoder = Coder" Training for TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon

    "self.TaughtCoder = Coder" is a service mark of WHOmentors.com, Inc. to identify the organization as the sole fiscal sponsor of self-paced tech training and website and mobile application developer development.

    Watch and learn how to code from more than 2,595+ online courses. PHP, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Parse, iOS, Android, Apple Watch, and more.

    Day-to-Day access fee is $30, Monday through Friday, 10AM to 6PM.

    Monthly unfettered access fee is $800 includes evening meetings from 6:30PM to 11:30PM and invitations to other tech events, etc.

    Proceeds benefit 501(c)(3) initiatives.

    Bring your laptop and your headphones. Join in on group meetings, work in pairs, or conduct independent research. Create more projects in less time, qualify for a new occupaton or launch your own mobile web or device application.

    Phone/SMS text 415-373-6767 with any questions.

    Follow: http://twitter.com/selftaughtcoder

    If you're training for an upcoming hackathon, be sure to indicate the date(s).


    Meet at Registration Desk
    San FranciscoUnited States


    From 23rd September 2015 - 10:00 AM
    to 23rd September 2015 - 06:00 PM