Shack: Social Impact Hackathon by META & Big Exchange
Organized by
A Good Money Week event to accelerate innovation in the Social Impact Investing space by developing new ideas to engage consumers and make it easier to invest.
The day event will consist of 3 main sessions:
9-10:15am: Insights - Consumer research, data landscape & technology review, innovation case studies
10:30am - 3pm: Design sprint - teams will be tasked with creating a design capable of progressing the Hackathon purpose.
3:15pm - 4:15pm: Review - 10 minute demo to the Review team with the opportunity to take forward ideas in conjunction with the Big Exchange and other engaged firms taking forward ideas that align with their own plans.
Opportunity: presenting the output to a DCMS & Industry roundtable being organised for end October as part of a debate on how to drive more innovation in this field.
Attendees: we are seeking to put together 4 diverse teams of 5 people to participate in the sprints. Each will be supported by a member of the META/Big Exchange organising team and have access to various Social Impact experts over the course of the Sprint. We are looking for people primarily who have an interest in this field but ideally also have experience/skills include Design / UX experience, Consumer Research, Social Impact and/or Investing, Big Data, Privacy/Trust and architecture. All attendees need to be able to available for the full day, have capacity to undertake some pre-reading (consumer research) and be capable of working in a team environment.
From 4th October 2018 - 08:30 AM
to 4th October 2018 - 04:30 PM
to 4th October 2018 - 04:30 PM