Embark on a 48-hour Sogeti Global quest to protect biodiversity.
Grab your compass and developer-hero-starter pack, because we’re going on an adventure: the Sogeti Green X Game Jam!
Sogeti, partnering with Intel, is inviting you to their new Game Jam, and we already know it’s going to be a BUMP.
The Green X Game Jam
- The mission: 48 hours to create smart games that protect biodiversity. Urban gaming, runner games, gamification... let your creativity flow and embark on a crucial lifelong quest to save the planet — that’s it!
- Amazing teamwork with other tech-savvy people like yourself
- Work closely with Sogeti and Intel experts who will accompany you for the full 48 hours
- Access special professional opportunities
- Get your hands on the €10,000 prize pool!
The prizes
Green X Game Jam Grand Prize: €5,000
Best Sustainable Game: €2,500
Best Sustainable Code: €2,500
Location: Online | WorkAdventure platform
Who can join?
The Game Jam is open to developers and designers from all over the world — what are you waiting for?
Register now: https://sogeti-greenxgamejam.bemyapp.com/
From 10th June 2022 - 08:00 AM
to 12th June 2022 - 08:00 PM
to 12th June 2022 - 08:00 PM