This a a hackathon that will take place on a bus to conceive, build and launch a startup with a team of strangers in 72 hours at 70 mph. StartupBus Americas VII is inviting the best and the brightest to come and compete on a road trip and create the ultimate adventure on wheels. At the end of the event you will pitch your project to Techstars on stage at Boulder Startup Week. You'll be hitting all the raddest hot spots and tech shops as on the way to Boulder Startup Week, where buses from US, Canada and Mexico will converge in the quest for StartupBus glory. This year the San Francisco Bus will depart from SOMA on Sunday May 15th then stop in Vegas, SL City and finally arrive in Boulder on the 17th where finalists will get the chance to pitch at the historic Boulder Theater.
From 15th May 2016 - 07:00 AM
to 19th May 2016 - 05:00 PM
to 19th May 2016 - 05:00 PM