Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon Toronto

Organized by

The Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon Toronto is a hackathon dedicated to creating things that have absolutely no value. You are aloud to create whatever you want as long as it works and contributes nothing whatsoever to the world. Examples of useless ideas to work with are weird food delivery services, emoji intelligence, quicktime for Pegasi, millenial falcons, sensors, virtual fealty, the internet of bees, etc. You may come with a team or just meet new people to create a stupid, terrible idea that nobody needs! At the end of the day everyone will present their stupid terrible nonsense off at the Stupid Job Fair. A hardware library with cameras, Arduinos, Cutting Edge "Electronic" Sensors, and more will be made available to you for creating your stupid pointless garbage idea. Note, no tech expertiseis required, all progammers, designers, comedians, videographers, artists, thought leaders, ideationists, neolibertarian techno-utopian oversimplifiers, and fearless creaitives are invited!


Digital Media Experience Lab - Ryerson
Toronto, Canada


From 28th May 2016 - 10:00 AM
to 28th May 2016 - 10:00 PM