SuperNET Meetup

Organized by

    SuperNET is a decentralized platform and community that use blockchain technology. We are a horizontally structured organization which is building decentralized open source solutions for anyone to use. Our community and team is a loosely formed group working tirelessly to make our vision a reality. Everyone is welcome to join us. The offers Earlybird Meetup (until the 21st February) 200 €: Food and accommodation, all inclusive. Full Meetup 220€: Food and accommodation, all inclusive. Extra night 15th-16th 50 €: one extranight in the ship before the meetup Extra night 18th-19th 50 €: one extra night in the ship after the meetup Simple meetup 140 €: Food and activities (no accommodation) The SuperNET Meetup program (Possibility to come on the 15th June) Friday, 16th June, 11:00-13:00 : Welcome lunch (Sandwiches) Afternoon : Forming groups for Hackathon, Businathon and Marketathon. Night : THE FAMOUS LUDOM'S BARBECUE Sathurday, 17th June, Breakfast/lunch: Selfservice Buffet 10:00-12:00: Presentation of SuperNET technology, how it works Afternoon : working on the projects for the HBMthons Diner : Restaurant Night : Party in a club Sunday, 18th June, Breakfast/lunch: Selfservice Buffet 10:00-12:00: Presentation of the HBM projects and Awards "ceremony" Afternoon : Toursistic visits in Amsterdam (Possibility to stay until the 19th June)



    From 16th June 2017 - 12:00 PM
    to 18th June 2017 - 12:00 PM