Supporting Underprivileged Americans, Inc. (SUPA) S.T.E.A.M. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Arts #SUPASTEAM #4SOCIALIMPACT Mobile App “Hackathon”
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The inaugural Supporting Underprivileged Americans, Inc. (SUPA Inc.), a non-profit organization based in Las Vegas, NV is coordinating the #SUPASTEAM Difference Mobile App “Hackathon” #4SOCIALIMPACT devoted to ambitious young people with an interest in everything digital is where the next generation of teens and middle and high school student problem solvers that want to make a difference in their Las Vegas communities to solve our city's greatest problems or challenges. We believe once teens are engaged in our communities, they can make a difference.
The free two Saturday weekend event is open to all residents of Clark County aged 13-19. The #SUPASTEAM Difference STEM+Arts Education S.T.E.A.M. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Arts MOBILE APP HACKATHON #4SOCIALIMPACT events for students to come together, create, compete, & win prizes! And all attendees are invited to celebrate the birthday party of the fabled inventor of the Bitcoin Blockchain Satoshi Nakamoto.
From 7th April 2018 - 08:00 AM
to 7th April 2018 - 05:00 PM
to 7th April 2018 - 05:00 PM