Solving the most challenging blockchain problems
SV Insight Hackathon is the largest Sino-US hacker organizer with a focus on blockchain. SVI Hackathon plans to collaborate with world’s top universities in 2019. SV Insight Hackathon’s core mission is to connect the world’s most talented hackers to solve the problems we face in blockchain, while building and serving our diverse developer community.
Want to know more about the entire event? Click here!
General Agenda
Jan 11th,
10:00 am - 10:20 am
SVInsight Hackathon Registration
10:20 am - 10:40 am
Opening Remarks
10:40 am - 11:00 am
11:00 am - 11:20 am
11:20 am - 12:00 pm
Training Session
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Lunch Break/ Team Building
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hacking Time
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Dinner Time/ Band Show
7:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Overnight Hacking
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Demo Show
11:00 am - 12: 00 am
Award Session
➤Who can be our Hackers?
iOS/Android/Web development engineer
iOS/Android/Web front end
iOS/Android/Web back end
iOS/Android/Web full stack engineer
Data Analyst / AI Master
Blockchain related engineers -decentralized wallet development
Blockchain related engineers - smart contract development
Understanding Hacker Economy and Blockchain Business Model Hacker
Hacker familiar with mainstream blockchain source code (BTC/ETH, etc.)
➤How much should I pay?
This Hackathon is completely free for participants.
We will provide food, snacks, coffee, and peripheral gifts so that you have the best Hack experience.
➤How many are the recruitment numbers?
Only 120 Hacker admittances
➤What rules do I need to follow?
The form of a team: 3-6 people. (team or on-site team)
The score of your team will be evaluated by a committee made up of the most talented developers in the community. They will judge based on the understanding of Blockchain technology, practicability, scalability, creativity. (Total: 100 points)
1. At the end of the Hackathon, project and presentation material should be submitted before the deadline in the agenda, after which no additional revision will be allowed.
2. A reasonable workload is one of the standards for evaluating the projects. Participants may study and research relevant knowledge and information before the Hackathon. However, bringing finished or semi-finished projects to the Hackathon is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, all assignments relating to a project should only be allocated to registered members of its registered team.
3. A security detail will be implemented at the venue. Participants should sign in with valid ID.
4. During the Hackathon, the venue will operate for 24 hours. We will provide a sleeping bag to rest on site.
The following terms apply to participate in this hackathon (“Hackathon”). Entrants may create original solutions, prototypes, datasets, scripts, or other content, materials, discoveries or inventions (a “Submission”). The Hackathon is organized by SV Insight (the “Hackathon Organizer”).
Entrants retain ownership of all intellectual and industrial property rights (including moral rights) in and to Submissions.
As a condition of submission, Entrant grants the Hackathon Organizer, its subsidiaries, agents and partner companies, a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, distribute, publicly perform, create derivative works from, and publicly display the Submission.
Participants own the rights to their projects they create at the Hackathon. Your team may create a Prototype using data and/or API’s provided by the Sponsoring platforms (“Sponsors”) and/or its Partner. This could mean that you or a teammate created the Technology solely on your own, acquired Sponsorship of the Technology from a third party, or may rely on binding written statements by the third party that owns or has the right to license the Technology indicating that you (or members of the public generally) are authorized to use that Technology in the manner you intend to use it. Your team will be disqualified if the Sponsor has any reason to believe that your team has violated the terms of this paragraph. You should consult with appropriate advisors or legal counsel if you have any doubt as to whether you are meeting the requirements of this paragraph. “Technology” means, without limitation, content (including pictorial, audio, and audio-visual content), code, specifications, technical information, algorithms, images, design, art, music, graphics, SFX, data, and any other information or materials protected by any intellectual property right. Your team may not bring to the Hackathon any pre-developed or licensed Technology that you plan to use in connection with your Prototype.
The Hackathon Organizer and Sponsors do not claim any intellectual property ownership rights in Participant’s submission, except for the license to review the submission as part of Hackathon judging and awarding of prizes.
Your Submission must:
a. Adhere to the terms of service per this agreement and the rules stated at the beginning of the hackathon
b. Not breach the terms and conditions of any embedded software or services used by your Application,
c. Not contain any malicious code or backdoors,
d. Not contain, depict or refer to any crude, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, disparaging, discriminatory, offensive, illegal or otherwise unsuitable language, activity or other content (all as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion)
e. Not contain, depict or refer to any content which disparages or refers negatively to the Sponsor, the Hackathon, or any other person or entity (all as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion); and
f. Not contain any content that violates any law or any third party’s rights (including privacy, personality, and intellectual property rights).
Your team’s Submission may be disqualified if the Sponsor has reason to believe, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion, that your Submission (a) contains any element that is malicious, corrupt, damaged, incomplete, inappropriate, or offensive; (b) violates the terms of use of any social media service, website, mobile application or any other platform used in connection with your Submission; (c) infringes any third party intellectual property rights; (d) violates any applicable law or (e) violates or does not comply with any section of this Participation Agreement.
You and/or your entire team may be disqualified for any of the following actions, with or without warning, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion: (i) verbal abuse of another participant or Hackathon staff, (ii) inappropriate touching or harming of another participant or Hackathon staff, (iii) breach of the Hackathon Participant Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection with the Hackathon, (iv) violation of or non-compliance with any section of this Participation Agreement, or (v) violating the spirit of the Hackathon. If the Sponsor has reason to believe that you or your team has compromised the integrity or the legitimate operation of this Hackathon, or has attempted to compromise the integrity or the legitimate operation of this Hackathon, including, without limitation, by cheating, hacking, creating a malicious bot or other automated program, or by committing fraud in any way, your team will be disqualified and asked to leave the premises. If during the Hackathon, any Hackathon staff has reason to believe that your health is in danger, you may be required to discontinue your participation in the Hackathon and asked to seek immediate medical assistance. Your teammates, if any, may continue participating in the Hackathon if they so choose.
All disqualification decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
The Hackathon Organizer is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. This Code of Conduct was created to clearly define what we mean by a harassment-free experience so that our community and those who support it are clear about our intent and have access to procedures for addressing issues, should they arise.
The Hackathon Organizer values the safety and security of all of our members and, because of that, we will not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination. Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for our members, and to this end we have taken the following actions:
• Provided a statement of intent and code of conduct for events
• Explicitly outlined and defined forms of harassment and discrimination
• Clearly outlined the consequences for those who engage in harassing or discriminatory behavior
• Provided a system for reporting any harassing or discriminatory behavior
• Committed to a periodic review of the code of conduct
The Hackathon Organizer and Sponsors do not claim any intellectual property ownership rights in Participant’s submission, except for the license to review the submission as part of Hackathon judging and awarding of prizes.
Except where prohibited by law, in no event will SV INSIGHT HACKATHON be liable to any Participant for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental or punitive damages, including lost profits, even if SV INSIGHT HACKATHON has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
If, notwithstanding the other provisions of the Agreement, SV INSIGHT HACKATHON is found to be liable to any Participant for any damage or loss which arises out of or is in any way connected with any Participant’s participation of the Hackathon, SV INSIGHT HACKATHON’s liability shall in no event exceed the US$100.00.
The Participant agrees to indemnify and hold SV INSIGHT HACKATHON, its officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors in interest, employees, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates, harmless from any demands, loss, liability, claims or expenses (including attorneys’ fees), made against SV INSIGHT HACKATHON by any third party due to or arising out of or in connection with the Participant’s participation of the Hackathon.
All disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or in connection with the Hackathon, prizes or the Agreement. Shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the state courts of the State of California for the County of San Francisco or the United States District Court for the Northern District of California and each of the participants submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts for the purpose of any such action. This Agreement shall be governed by and after in accordance with the laws of the State of California without regard to any conflict of laws rules and principles. If for any reason any provision of this Agreement is adjudicated to be unenforceable, that provision of the agreement will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.
to 12th January 2019 - 01:00 PM