Symphony Innovate 2019 Hackathon: London
Organized by
Hack into New Workflows.
Join talented developers for a day of innovation at Credit Suisse in London on Thursday, 12 September 2019. Build on your secure collaboration platform to extend critical workflows beyond your company walls. Develop scalable, innovative solutions at an upcoming Symphony Hackathon to bring progress and efficiency to your firm.Developments should break down silos across firms, as well as internally across front, middle, and back offices.
Teams of 1-5 individuals will to work together to create a bot, app, or integration that will breakdown barriers, improve workflows. Team members must register individually for the hackathon.
Three winners will be selected per region. Teams will be judged based on innovation, workflow, and potential business impact. Winners will be presented with awards on stage at the end of the day. Award categories & prize details to follow.
All winning teams & their developments will also be featured at Symphony Innovate on 3 October 2019 at the Center415 in New York.
To participate in any of the hackathons, individuals must:
Register all individuals in your team by 6 September 2019.
Attend or view the one-hour webinar prior to the event. (Webinar details to follow).
Day of: Provide your own hardware (laptops, chargers, etc.). Internet will be provided.
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided. A casual cocktail and networking hour will follow the awards ceremony.
For more information visit our website.
By attending the Symphony Innovate 2019 Hackathon, you consent to (i) be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded; (ii) be included in Symphony’s developer newsletter distribution list (which distribution will contain an unsubscribe option if you no longer desire to receive the newsletters); and (iii) the use and publication by Symphony Communication Services, LLC, its affiliates and any applicable media agency acting on Symphony’s behalf of (1) your name, likeness, statements & voice (if applicable) and (2) images, descriptions (whether verbal or written) and videos of any developments you bring to, or display or created at, the Hackathon, in each case as such information or media is received or recorded by Symphony at Symphony Innovate 2019, for any purpose in which Symphony engages, including any promotion, advertisement or other conduct of trade.
From 12th September 2019 - 09:00 AM
to 12th September 2019 - 05:00 PM
to 12th September 2019 - 05:00 PM