Team up BEFORE the Desjardins Health Hackathon

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    Team up BEFORE the Desjardins Health Hackathon.  Forming a team is often the most difficult and chaotic part of the hackathon. It is much, much better to start early ang get a head start. Get to know your team before the hackathon! Join doctors, nurses, and health researchers to bring innovation to health care. If you work in health care, come meet and mingle with designers, technologists and business people, form a team, and hack together to move your ideas forward! Défi Innovation Promotion + Santé Desjardins Hacking Health propulsé par IBM BlueMix Venez proposer et développer des solutions innovantes pour la promotion et la sensibilisation aux enjeux de santé! Cet événement est soutenu par le CHU Sainte Justine et l’Agence de Santé Publique du Canada. QUOI: Hackathon sur le thème de la promotion de la santé  OÙ: Complexe Desjardins  QUAND: du 6 au 8 Novembre (pre-team: Nov 4, 5:30 pm @ Espace Desjardins - ExcentriQ conference room)  QUI: Tout designer ou entreprise engagés ayant à cœur la santé et l’innovation! Professionnels de la santé, et des technologies de l’information! PREMIER PRIX: Le prix Desjardins de $3,500 en argent et des services et produits IBM Bluemix Join us to bring down the barriers to innovation in health care! Declare your project and team on (after you register for the hackathon) Show up BEFORE the Health Hackathon on Wednesday and network your way to a great team. Who will be there to team up on Wednesday? Folks from the following communities are joining the teaming exercise: - UX Teams is the freelance UXer community for both exprienced and junior designers working on cool new visually driven, human/customer-first projects - Meteor Montreal is the hangout spot for MeteorJS developers, an ultra-simple environment for building modern web applications - Hardware Guild has talented hardware enthusiasts, Arduinos, RaspberryPis, and 3D printing is what they're all about - Montreal Startups Sharing Knowledge is a new community that gets together wantrepreneurs and first time startup people to learn the basics of customer discovery, product development, and beyond We encourage you to join the relevant groups, spark discussions, and recruit the people you need to move your team and project forward! Directions Lieu: Complexe Desjardins, Tour Sud, 3ème étage, Salle ExcentriQ Enregistrez-vous avec une pièce d'identité à l'accueil, près de l'Espace Desjardins. Passez les portes sécurisées, prenez l'ascenseur jusqu'au 3ème étage, suivez les panneaux indiquant "ExcentriQ" jusqu'à la salle. Location: Complexe Desjardins, South Tower, 3rd floor, ExcentriQ conference room Register with your ID at front desk, near Espace Desjardins. Go through the gates and up the elevator to the 3rd floor. Follow the ExcentriQ sign to the conference room.


    ExcentriQ conference room, 3rd floor, South Tower, entrance near Espace Desjardins, Complexe Desjardins
    Montreal, Canada


    From 4th November 2015 - 05:30 PM
    to 4th November 2015 - 08:00 PM