Tech Career Fair: Exclusive Tech Hiring Event (New Tickets Available)
SF Tech Career Fair
"With COVID-19 now a global pandemic, the first thing on our minds is your safety! We are rescheduling ALL of our career fairs until the public health officials and our own executive team determines it's safe enough to resume them. Here is a quick rundown:
- Career fair will be tentatively moved to a later date, please check the event description for updates or the following steps below to get notified.
- The team are in the talks of considering moving everything online if the situation does not improve, so if you have not already created your account, do so with the normal process as below and you will be notified on the updates of it."
We will be hosting a SF Tech Career Fair with our hiring partners from fast growing startups and Fortune 500 companies in technology in the Bay. There will be a focus on helping companies achieve their diversity and inclusivity initiative with more diverse candidates to their talent pool. Available roles that our hiring companies are looking to fill are of the following:
Software Engineering
Product Management
Data Scientist
AI/Machine Learning Engineer
Data Analyst
UI/UX Design
To make sure your profile is visible and accessible to hiring partners and companies in their system please make sure you complete your profile and upload your resume to the platform.
Complete the Sign-up form here or the link below and upload your resume to the system to get your QR code/Digital resume:
Await for outreach by hiring companies for pre-screening interview
Attend the career fair and check-in at hiring companies just with your QR code/Digital resume -No paper resumes necessary-let's save some trees and expensive ink
*Note: This is an invite only event due to limited space and high demand. To increase your chance to be selected by our hiring companies and partners to this event please make sure to follow the instructions and submit a detailed profile. Shortlisted candidates will be notified for next steps and location of the event.
Most slots have been filled for this job fair. Signup to get your company on with your priority next-in-line invitation link if you previously received one, or get your company on the waitlist here and we will reach out to you with more info if we can slot you in.
to 2nd March 2021 - 07:00 PM