In spirit of this year's theme ‘New Power’ -- developers, designers and creatives are invited to unite! This year TEDxAmsterdam is working on a TEDx Open Source project for the new website and as a kick off is hosting their first hackathon to create awesome things for TEDxAmsterdam! That doesn't mean you'll be building a website!'re invited to show off your awesome building skills. The journey should include lots of fun! The final program and location are still being worked on, but you'll enjoy a fun day, with cool people and lots of awesome stuff to be made! Who knows, if your hack is that awesome, maybe you’ll see it back on TEDxAmsterdam!
From 16th July 2016 - 09:00 AM
to 16th July 2016 - 09:00 PM
to 16th July 2016 - 09:00 PM