Unleash your creative side at TeenHacksHTX - an online, free, hackathon for high schoolers across the United States.
TeenHacksHTX is a 24-hour innovation event held online and sponsored by the University of Houston Victoria - Katy, where high school students work together to develop skills in teamwork, programming, and real world problem-solving, and the best projects win prizes from us and our sponsors.
Along the way, you'll participate in workshops, visit booths, and listen to guest speakers, gaining valuable real-life experience.
From 29th May 2020 - 06:00 PM
to 30th May 2020 - 06:00 PM
to 30th May 2020 - 06:00 PM
1st Place - Cash
2nd Place - Cash
3rd Place - Cash
Hardware Winner - Microcontroller Boards