Terminal Tech Talk: The Man Who Started a Global Blockchain Movement

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    On Thursday July 26 at 4:00PM, we are thrilled to welcome Liam Horne, the co-founder of L4 Ventures, Counterfactual, ETHGlobal, Hack The North, et. al. In this Terminal Tech Talk, Liam will discuss how to bring internet scale to blockchains through off-chain scaling techniques called state channels.  This is also your chance to ask Liam how he built world-class initiatives from scratch and how to think about building world-class engineering teams. ABOUT LIAM HORNE: ★  Liam left the University of Waterloo to become the co-founder and CTO of PiinPoint (YC W14). ★  Liam was awarded the $100,000 Peter Thiel Fellowship in 2015 at the age of 19 for his world-class ingenuity.   ★  Liam co-founded Hack The North, arguably the best hackathon in the world and Canada's biggest hackathon.  ★  Liam co-founded ETHWaterloo and turned it into a global movement called ETHGlobal to foster a world-class ecosystem of blockchain developers and entrepreneurs, collectively building the Web 3 world.  ★  Liam co-founded L4 Ventures. L4 is creating the decentralized web, conducting cutting-edge cryptoeconomic research, building core blockchain infrastructure, and helpng projects grow. ★  Liam co-founded Counterfactual, a generalized framework for native state channels integration in Ethereum-based decentralized applications. ★  Liam is a board director at the publicly traded Ether Capital (NEO: ETHC). ABOUT TERMINAL TECH TALK: The Terminal Tech Talk series is committed to bringing our technical communities together by sharing insights and learnings from the best and brightest minds on topics ranging from innovative best practices to culture, personal growth and more.  Questions? Please contact Nabil on Slack @nabil or via email at nabil@terminal.io if you have any questions.


    Kitchener, Canada


    From 26th July 2018 - 04:00 PM
    to 26th July 2018 - 05:30 PM